Architecture Design Studio 1:Self-Expression through Object

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Architecture Design Studio 1 : Self-Expression through Object

Objectives of Project:
  1. To explore the elements and principles of art 
  2. To explore applying aforementioned principles to communicate subjective ideas through objects 
  3. To introduce the basic methods of generating ideas and abstracting conceptual narratives for design 
Learning Outcomes:
  1. Draw students’ attention to subjective matters which play a major role in architecture 
  2. Produce objects to communicate ideas 
  3. To explore one form of generating design concept/idea 
  4. Construct a representational piece of art based on the initial ideas that have been abstracted and 
  5. redefined through the process of translation and interpretation 

Submission Requirement:
  • 1 final model of your ‘mask’ at 1:1 scale (the mask is to be worn during presentation) 
  • A2 board; consist of drawings, diagrams and write up (50 words) 
  • •Verbal presentation 

In this project, we are required to look into ourselves and create a mask which is based on our personalities. The materials of the mask has to be considered too.

After mind-mapping my personalities, I've plan to create a mask which represents my personality of emotional.

The idea developing process is creating a mask that can be changed, or there's a certain movement that makes the mask looks different than before.

At last I decided to use the concept of Rubik's Cube, expressing my emotion using colors of it and it's ability to turn.

Final Product:

Presentation Board

In this project I had learnt to explore things, generating a concept and idea thus creating an object which brings out the message that I wanted to visualize and communicate with others. Using different methods of idea generating tool, such as SCAMPER technique, I had came out with this design and idea.
Discipline Specific Knowledge
Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

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