Architecture Culture & History 1:Precedent Study & Analysis

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This is an architectural research project carried out by groups of 5 and divided into 3 parts. Each group is given an historical building to research on.

Group Members :
1- Cheah Teck Wei
2- Eelyn Cheong
3- Chia Wee Min
4- Chia Yi Ling
5- Chin Jovi

Objectives of Project:
1. To introduce basic architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships.
2. To creatively and innovatively develop and expand the design concept derived from the
precedent study analysis.

Learning outcome:
1. To produce building analysis which document intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines,
architectural language and contextual relationships.
2. To produce graphical development, expansion and elaboration of intentions, concepts,
patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships as integration to
design project.

Part A On-line Group Forum (10%)
We are required to answer the questions listed below for the On-line Group Forum:
Brief General/Background Questions:
1. Who is the architect or founder of the building?
2. Where and when was the building built?
3. What is the form, or shape of the building?
4. What is the function or purpose of the building?
5. What materials / methods are used for construction?
6. What makes your building historically significant / meaningful?

Part B- Analysis Presentation Board
5. Building plan-section/elevation analysis (i. Plan to Section or Elevation, ii. Natural light

Part C- 3D Abstraction Model

In this project I had worked a lot with my group members from the Part A till Part C, we helped each others and I realized teamwork is really important. Through the researches, I had learnt to extract important points from all the sources I get my information from, thus summarizing them. Besides, I've also had to extract out which of the information is correct through comparison of information with others and some library sources.

In this project, I had learnt a lot about this magnificent historical building of Roman, Pantheon about their theory behind this building, consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architecture language and contextual relationships and others. Its not only how they build it but why they do so. The more I know, the more I'm impressed but them, building such a magnificent building with the technology at that time because while we build the 3D Abstraction Model, we had already faced a lot of problems such as making the coffer, maintaining the shape of the dome and others.

Citizenship and Global Perspectives
Discipline Specific Knowledge

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

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