Architecture Design Studio 1 :Life Capsule (AUGUST 2014)

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Group members (left-right) : Eunice Chan, Foo Wei Min, Chong Yee Ching, Me, Sean Chua.

The second project of Architecture Design Studio 1 is about creating a 1:1 scaled life capsule that is anthropometric and ergonomic based on the personality of one of our group member using cardboard as our main material.

Objectives of Project :
1. To further the student’s concern about elementary user needs
2. To introduce and create an awareness of scale and proportion of the human body
3. To introduce the role of human behavior in shaping the space
4. To explore how human anthropometry and ergonomics relating to space

Learning Outcomes :
1. To explore objective parameters of design process through solving real-life architectural problems
2. Be able to distinguish and discern the role of scale and proportion in the relationship between the
human body and a designed space or enclosure
3. Understanding of human factors to the design of space (its size, shape, and how appropriate it is
for the task) to improve comfort, safety, and productivity
4. To explore the relation of form and function

Submission Requirement
 Presentation Panel A2 Boards (2)
 Model Scaled 1:1
 Verbal Presentation 5 minutes

In this project, our approach is to create a space based on Eunice's personality which is always open to others, but sometimes she might need some quiet time alone. So, the capsule we had designed is about having two spaces which one is opened for her to do her works, and another is somehow very dark and small for her to meditate/rest through a small pathway which she required to crawl to pass through to make it hidden/secretive.

In this project, I had a good time incorporating with my group mates. They are all very good and friendly people. We are able to distribute our works well and carry them out effectively. It was a really pleasant time working with them. We had discuss and trying to explore on how to create a life capsule with a spatial quality that we wanted to present using different elements. At last this is what we came out with and we are really satisfied with it. It compromises with our hardwork during the 1 week holiday.

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