Project 1: Industrialized Building System
This is a group assignment which predominantly relates to the topics of Industrialised Building System (IBS) as well as the materials’ embodied energy. Before embarking on this project students will be exposed to different types and methods of the IBS system and the calculation of embodied energy of different building materials in the classroom. First, the group has to design a 3-storey apartment block using mainly IBS components. Then, the group has to construct a physical model of the building to imitate the actual IBS construction process and to record all the process in a video.
1. To develop students’ understanding in different types of IBS construction method.
2. To apply appropriate IBS construction method in the production of a model for an apartment building.
3. To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of IBS construction process through model making.
4. To develop students’ understanding in matters related to energy efficiency and ecological impact. 5. To foster good communication skills among group members through proper delegation of works and production of the video
In this project I clearly understood about IBS technology from their components to how the construction process goes. This is definitely useful for us Architects to know when we are trying to design a building which will be constructed using IBS technology.
Project 2: Construction Solutions
This assignment is aligned with the Studio Design Project (semester 4 and 5) and aims to facilitate students in the technical studies and development of their design. It deals with the analysis and establishment of the structural and the envelope systems of the student’s design to ensure that the design has logical and workable construction systems. It also encourages students to think about construction as integral part of the design and not just an afterthought. Most of the times amateur designers tend to design their spaces without thinking about the construction aspects and later on have to change and redesign their schemes due to the designs were unbuildable. This assignment was designed with the intention to tackle this issue and to increase the technical competency of students.
1. To encourage analytical and critical study of the principles, practices and details of building technology in the student’s own design.
2. To encourage students to consider the construction aspects throughout the design process.
3. To adapt and implement the alternative construction systems into the students’ design.
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