Theories of Architecture and Urbanism

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Project Title: Image of The City

Kevin Lynch The Image of the City

Students are required to present an in-depth and analytical research study on the designated topic. Students are to explore the image of a city based on Kevin Lynch’s most famous work, The Image of the City (1960). The project consisted of 2 parts; the first is to identify Lynch’s 5 elements; path, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks within a selected city and the second part is to produce an essay with a cognitive mapping of the city.  

Objectives of Project:
1. To provide critical perspectives on key issues within the contemporary discourse of architecture, through integration of case-studies and theoretical studies
2. To enhance the understanding of the complexity of architecture and the ability to undertake independent research

Learning Outcomes of this Project:
1. Analyse architecture and urban forms in relation to relevant architectural theories
2. Analyse and critique the relationship between architecture and its social, cultural and intellectual context
3. Produce, orally and in writing, a critical interpretation of architecture and urbanism in relation to relevant theories within the contemporary discourse of architecture

Part A: Identifying 5 elements

The part A of the project requires us to identify the five urban elements that is mentioned in the book Image of the City by Kevin Lynch, which is

a. Path
b. Edge
c. Node
d. Landmark
e. District

SITE: PJ Seksyen 1

Part B: Illustrated Essay and Cognitive Mapping

Based on our research and findings in part A, we are required to produce an illustrated essay and cognitive mapping about the 5 elements in our selected site.

Cognitive Mapping

Illustrated Essay LINK:

Through this project, I have understood what are the elements that creates one's perception and memory towards an urban city, which is very important and useful for me to be applied to my Design Studio Projects. Not only that, it enhances my theories and thinking toward what makes Architecture, and what is an Urban. 

Besides the project, we are required to submit a synopsis based on a reading material given to us every two weeks, hence producing a reaction paper about the topic.

Reaction Papers:

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